IF TEENS working on outreach projects together.
Improve your understanding of religions at a personal level by working with teens of diverse religions for the common good.
August 2nd, 2021
We have an exciting opportunity ahead! On August 13th, we will be distributing meals for the underserved at the Institute for Human Services in Honolulu, Hawaii. All are welcome! Please send us a message down below if you would be interested in participating!
March 24th, 2021
Below is a message from one of my Baha'i friends looking for volunteers to help with COVID-19 vaccine appointments. Hope you can participate!
"I'm spreading the word that a friend of mine made a website http://findvaccineil.com to help people locate vaccine appointments. They also have Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1095801704219723/?ref=share.
He asked if I could get the word out to high school guidance counselors to help find student volunteers interested in learning some IT skills to fill the position of Data submission and Data integrity that can be seen on this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepXoWtVirBCfJTj2FOALd1d-9NEscXKh20NTcid4xW5eW1Yg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Bilingual Spanish/English-speaking students especially helpful, but opportunity is not limited to bilingual students.
If you or anyone you know are interested, you can Reply All to set up a Zoom meeting with your parents if you wish to find out more. And/or if you have questions, you can call my friend Leo Monroy at (773) 612-8971 or email him at [email protected]."
March 17th, 2021
I am looking forward to giving a presentation about my website to a local mosque in April! I am also working on developing a new upcoming project for teens to participate in as well, details soon to come. If you have anything you would like to suggest, let me know your ideas down below!
March 11th, 2021
We had the wonderful chance to make cards for foster children at Lydia Home in Chicago. The children were very excited to receive them, thank you to everyone who contributed to this initiative!
Improve your understanding of religions at a personal level by working with teens of diverse religions for the common good.
August 2nd, 2021
We have an exciting opportunity ahead! On August 13th, we will be distributing meals for the underserved at the Institute for Human Services in Honolulu, Hawaii. All are welcome! Please send us a message down below if you would be interested in participating!
March 24th, 2021
Below is a message from one of my Baha'i friends looking for volunteers to help with COVID-19 vaccine appointments. Hope you can participate!
"I'm spreading the word that a friend of mine made a website http://findvaccineil.com to help people locate vaccine appointments. They also have Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1095801704219723/?ref=share.
He asked if I could get the word out to high school guidance counselors to help find student volunteers interested in learning some IT skills to fill the position of Data submission and Data integrity that can be seen on this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepXoWtVirBCfJTj2FOALd1d-9NEscXKh20NTcid4xW5eW1Yg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Bilingual Spanish/English-speaking students especially helpful, but opportunity is not limited to bilingual students.
If you or anyone you know are interested, you can Reply All to set up a Zoom meeting with your parents if you wish to find out more. And/or if you have questions, you can call my friend Leo Monroy at (773) 612-8971 or email him at [email protected]."
March 17th, 2021
I am looking forward to giving a presentation about my website to a local mosque in April! I am also working on developing a new upcoming project for teens to participate in as well, details soon to come. If you have anything you would like to suggest, let me know your ideas down below!
March 11th, 2021
We had the wonderful chance to make cards for foster children at Lydia Home in Chicago. The children were very excited to receive them, thank you to everyone who contributed to this initiative!
Contact Us Today To Share Your Ideas And To Participate